Program at a Glance

Day Programs and Activities
12:00~ Registration
Special Session I (In English/Korean)
13:00~13:30 Opening Ceremony ▪ Welcome Speech
[Chair] Sungchul Jee (President of KSMTE)
[Co-chair] Myung Jae Kay (President of KOMMA)
▪ Committee Representative Speech
[Advisory Committee Chair] Prof.  Byeong Hee Kim
(Kangwon National University)
13:30~14:20 Plenary Speech 1 Prof. Xun Xu (University of Auckland)
14:20~14:40 Break
14:40~15:40 Invited Speech 1 Prof. Ryuta Sato (Nagoya University)
Invited Speech 2 Mr. Jason Park (INTERX Co., Ltd.)
15:40~16:00 Break
General Session I (In English)
16:00~17:30 Oral Session : Manufacturing Technologies 1
17:30~18:00 To Banquet Place
18:00~ Banquet @ Sono Calm Goyang Hotel
08:30~ Registration
09:00~09:40 Poster Session
09:40~10:00 Break
Special Session II (In English/Korean)
10:00~10:50 Plenary Speech 2 Prof. Berend Denkena (Leibniz University Hannover)
10:50~12:20 Invited Speech 3 Dr. Hitoshi Komoto (AIST)
Invited Speech 4 Mr. Dongyul Ahn (HEIDENHAIN Korea Ltd.)
Invited Speech 5 Mr. Brian Moon (Stratasys Korea)
12:20~13:30 Lunch
General Session II (In English)
13:30~14:30 Oral Session : Manufacturing Technologies  2
14:30~14:50 Break
14:50~15:50 Oral Session : Manufacturing Technologies  3
15:50 ~ Closing Ceremony